Flexible Pay-As-You-Go Internet for MDUs

ISPs: You Find the Customers We’ll Take Care of Everything Else!

BlueSky Networks offers a flexible Pay-As-You-Go Internet subscription system designed specifically for MDUs (Multi-Dwelling Unit buildings) such as condos, apartments, and student residences. Our platform enables your customers to register, pick and change plans, self-activate, and pay for their internet service with ease. Whether customers bring their own router or use a router that you provide, our solution ensures seamless connectivity and exceptional user experience. By partnering with BlueSky, you can offer a scalable, user-friendly Internet service that meets the diverse needs of the MDUs you service.


Flexible Subscription Plans & Promotions

Our platform enables ISPs to offer a variety of internet plans that suit your customers' needs. Allow them to easily upgrade, downgrade, or change plans at any time through a user-friendly client portal. Additionally, you can design and implement custom promo codes, offering free internet, discounts, upgrades, or free installation. This flexibility enables you to create offerings that perfectly align with your marketing strategies.

Custom Landing Pages

Create custom landing pages for each building, enhancing the user experience and streamlining the onboarding and management process. These tailored pages provide a personalized touch for your customers, making it easy for them to see the plans available to their building, register, order services, and make payments.

Self-Activation and Management

Once a unit has been installed, customers can self-activate their internet service without the need for technician visits or shipping of equipment. The intuitive portal allows them to start and stop service, manage subscriptions, view usage, and see payment history. Additionally, they can easily order installations and handle other service-related tasks directly through the portal.

Operational Efficiency

Enhance your operational efficiency with BlueSky’s comprehensive tools. Automate manual tasks such as ordering installations, changing plans, and other administrative functions to significantly increase efficiency and reduce operational costs. Our platform allows customers to self-service with a zero-touch system, improving overall user satisfaction. Manage customer relationships seamlessly with an all-in-one solution that streamlines operations and enhances customer satisfaction. Additionally, improve technician efficiency and scheduling with our advanced tools, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better resource management.

Seamless Integration

Our system integrates seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Whether you prefer customers use their own routers or ISP-provided ones, our solution ensures smooth and consistent operation and connectivity.

Reliable Performance

Built by an ISP for ISPs, BlueSky’s Pay-As-You-Go Internet solution is designed to meet your unique needs and streamline your operations. Our advanced technology platform enables you to sell and manage high-speed, reliable Internet services to your customers with ease. With BlueSky, you can ensure a seamless user experience, all while efficiently managing your network and customer base.

Comprehensive Support

We offer around-the-clock support to address any issues quickly and efficiently. Our dedicated support team is always available to assist with troubleshooting, configuration changes, and any network or customer challenges that arise.

How it works

Step 1 | Pay-As-You-Go Internet Page
Set Up the Infrastructure

Deploy the necessary network infrastructure within the MDU building, including wiring, routers, and switches. BlueSky provides detailed planning and deployment assistance to ensure optimal coverage and performance. The building can be set up as either “Installation Required,” where a technician is dispatched when an order is received, or in a “Set-It-and-Forget-It” state, allowing customers to instantly activate their internet service on demand.

Find Customers

You take care of the marketing, and we take care of everything else! Direct potential customers to the custom splash page for their building to register and order their internet service. They can choose from various subscription plans and complete the activation process through the online portal. Customers can supply their own routers in a Bring-Your-Own-Router setup, or you can choose to supply one and have them buy or rent from you.

Step 2 | Pay-As-You-Go Internet Page
Step 3 | Pay-As-You-Go Internet Page
Manage and Monitor

Our system takes care of itself, requiring minimal intervention. However, you can log into the cloud-based portal if you wish to manage, monitor, or provide support. The portal also provides detailed reports on customer numbers, wins and losses, revenue, and other key metrics, enabling you to see results and make data-driven decisions.

Provide Ongoing Support

BlueSky’s support team is available 24×7 to assist your network team with any issues that arise. From troubleshooting connectivity problems to handling billing inquiries, we help you support your customers promptly and effectively.

Step 4 | Pay-As-You-Go Internet Page


BlueSky’s Pay-As-You-Go Internet solutions offer simple and competitive pricing tailored to your needs.

Building Portal Cost


per month per building's portal or splash page


Subscriber Cost


per subscriber plus 4% of payments


We handle all payment processing, ensuring a seamless experience for your customers and providing comprehensive management, maintenance, optimization, and support services.

We’re Ready to Setup Internet Today!